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"We make a better secured web for you"


whats is eIDAS electronic signature?

eIDAS on Wikipedia:

eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) is an EU regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Single Market. It was established in EU Regulation 910/2014 of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and repeals 1999/93/EC from 13 December 1999.

It entered into force on 17 September 2014 and applies from 1 July 2016 except for certain articles, which are listed in its Article 52. All organizations delivering public digital services in an EU member state must recognize electronic identification from all EU member states from September 29, 2018.

eIDAS oversees electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Union's internal market. It regulates electronic signatures, electronic transactions, involved bodies, and their embedding processes to provide a safe way for users to conduct business online like electronic funds transfer or transactions with public services. Both the signatory and the recipient can have more convenience and security. Instead of relying on traditional methods, such as mail or facsimile, or appearing in person to submit paper-based documents, they may now perform transactions across borders, like "1-Click" technology.

eIDAS has created standards for which electronic signatures, qualified digital certificates, electronic seals, timestamps, and other proof for authentication mechanisms enable electronic transactions, with the same legal standing as transactions that are performed on paper.

The regulation came into effect in July 2015, as a means to facilitate secure and seamless electronic transactions within the European Union. Member states are required to recognize electronic signatures that meet the standards of eIDAS.


Bluecerts is delighted to inform its customers and any organization which needs eIDAS and/or RGS** electronic signature that regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are able to deliver face to face our electronic keys all over Europe, on a short time basis delivery. 

Order your keys on our website or send mail for more information

Stay safe and protect you!

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+33(0)787 04 12 37


Bluecerts is delighted to inform its customers and any organization which needs eIDAS and / or RGS** electronic signature that regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are able to deliver face to face our electronic keys all over Europe, on a short time basis delivery. Order your key on our website or send mail for more information.

Stay safe and protect you

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To contact us:
+33(0)787 04 12 37


During the previous weeks, we have provided an overview of the EU NIS Directive, focusing on essential system operators (OES), Digital Service Providers (DSP) and compliance structures. On 27 June, the European Cybersecurity Act entered into force, establishing the new mandate of ENISA, an EU Agency for Cybersecurity, and establishing the European Cybersecurity Certification Framework.

The cybersecurity law at a glance

The EU Cybersecurity Directive gives a permanent mandate to the agency (ENISA), which has now changed its name to the EU Cybersecurity Agency, at a time when it guarantees more resources and authority.

ENISA will play a key role in creating and maintaining the European cybersecurity certification framework, preparing the technical terrain for specific certification schemes and informing the public about certification schemes, as well as certificates issued through a dedicated website.

The EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework

Certification plays a critical role in increasing confidence and security in products and services that are crucial to the EU digital market.
To express the risk of cybersecurity, a certificate can refer to three levels of guarantee (basic, substantial, high) that are proportional to the level of risk associated with the intended use of the product, service or process in terms of the probability and impact of an incident. For example, a high level of warranty means that the certified product has passed the highest safety tests.

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+33(0)787 04 12 37


As part of its development, BlueCerts, a European trusted third party specializing in data security and digital identity management, is looking for new partners for Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, and France.

With exclusively European and independent solutions, our offers represent a real alternative to American and Chinese technologies in the protection of digital identity.

By becoming a partner, we offer you the opportunity to offer your customers robust and efficient solutions for digital identity management and data protection in the cloud.

You are a website host, an integrator, a cloud provider, a managed services provider, a reseller, or an integrator of information technology solutions or even a VAR including digital identity management offers, the “BLUE Partner Program” from BlueCerts is for you!

You will have access to our commercial and technical training, will benefit from a unique "made in Europe" certification, marketing, and sales tools, accompanied by dedicated support thanks to the support of our team.
By joining the BlueCerts “BLUE Partner Program”, you will join, in your capacity as BlueCerts Ambassador, our community of partners to offer your customers proven European technology, with recognized business expertise, you will also benefit from leading innovations on the market.

For more information, contact us by MP,

call us: +33 (0) 787 04 12 37 

or email us at contact(@) 



No âmbito do seu desenvolvimento, a Bluecerts, uma empresa europeia de confiança, especializada na proteção de dados e na gestão da identidade numérica, procura novos parceiros em Portugal, Espanha, Bélgica, Alemanha e a França.

Com soluções exclusivamente europeias e independentes, as nossas ofertas representam uma verdadeira alternativa às tecnologias americanas e chinesas em matéria de proteção da identidade digital.

Ao tornar-se um parceiro, oferecemos a possibilidade de oferecer aos seus clientes soluções robustas e eficientes em matéria de gestão da identidade digital e da proteção de dados na cloud.

É host de um site, integrador, ator da cloud, fornecedor de serviços gerados, revendedor ou integrador de soluções tecnológicas de informação ou ainda um VAR incluindo ofertas de gestão de identidades digitais, o “Blue partner Program” de Bluecerts é feito para si.

Terá acesso as nossas formações comerciais e técnicas, beneficiará de uma certificação única “made in Europe”, de ferramentas de marketing e de vendas acompanhadas por um suporte dedicado.

Aderindo ao “Blue Partner Program” Bluecerts, irá juntar-se, na sua qualidade de embaixador Bluecerts, à nossa comunidade de parceiros para oferecer aos seus clientes uma tecnologia europeia comprovada, com reconhecida experiência empresarial, irá também beneficiar de inovações líderes no mercado.

Para mais informações, contacte-nos por MP,

ligue-nos: +33 (0) 787 04 12 37 

ou envie-nos email 



Dans le cadre de son développement, BlueCerts, tiers de confiance européen spécialisé dans la sécurisation des données et la gestion de l’identité numérique recherche de nouveaux partenaires pour le Portugal, l'Espagne, la Belgique, l'Allemagne et la France.

Avec des solutions exclusivement européennes et indépendantes, nos offres représentent une véritable alternative aux technologies américaines et chinoises en matière de protection de l’identité numérique.

En devenant partenaire, nous vous offrons la possibilité d’offrir à vos clients des solutions robustes et performantes en matière de gestion de l’identité numérique et de la protection des données dans le cloud.

Vous êtes un hébergeur de site web, intégrateur, acteur du cloud, fournisseur de services gérées, revendeur ou intégrateur de solutions des technologies de l’information ou bien encore un VAR incluant des offres de gestion des identités numériques, le « BLUE Partner Program » de BlueCerts est fait pour vous.

Vous aurez accès à nos formations commerciales et techniques, bénéficierez d’une certification unique « made in Europe », d’outils marketing et de ventes accompagné d’un support dédié grâce l’accompagnement de notre équipe.

En adhérent au « BLUE Partner Program » de BlueCerts, vous rejoindrez, en votre qualité d’Ambassadeur BlueCerts, notre communauté de partenaires pour offrir à vos clients une technologie européenne éprouvée, avec une expertise métier reconnue, vous bénéficierez également d’innovations leaders sur le marché.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez-nous par MP,

appelez-nous: +33 (0) 787 04 12 37

 ou écrivez-nous à


Le CEO de BlueCerts, Jean-Marie Giraudon va participer au Webinar organisé par la FrenchFounders sur les enjeux et les impacts du "new normal" de la cybersecurité. 

N'oubliez pas de nous accompagner demain, Mardi 22/09 à partir de 17:00 h (FR). 

Pour vous inscrire et suivre l’événement:

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+33(0)787 04 12 37


BlueCerts est heureux d’annoncer officiellement que l’un de ses projets de Recherche & Développement a obtenu un soutien de Portugal NORTE 2020 dans le cadre d’un appel à projet européen. Ce soutien permettra de réaliser sur notre site portugais l’embauche de nouveaux collaborateurs et collaboratrices de profiles technologiques et scientifiques. Notre objectif est de mener à bien la réalisation d’un environnement innovant en Europe répondant aux standards internationaux dans le cadre de la signature électronique dites « qualifié » dans le cloud.  


#dematerialization #future #technology

Tired of wasting hours signing papers?
Slow and time-consuming processes?
What about our planet? Does he deserve to spend so many trees?
With european Bluecerts Digital Signature you can make your first step in dematerialization!
Save yourself, save time, most importantly, save the planet!

To contact us: 


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought countless unpleasant situations to people and organizations. With regard to cybersecurity, we are faced with a significant increase in cyber-attacks. These data shared by the CNCS Portuguese for the second quarter of this year, are really scary. They show that Portugal and in this case, Europe, need to invest in Digital Security. 

It's not just you who needs a mask, your data needs to be protected too!

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+33(0)787 04 12 37


The period in which we find ourselves is forcing companies to rethink the way they work. The intensification of teleworking in organizations allows business to continue while protecting its employees. But, in this context, what are the right decisions to take to protect the data exchanged in the cloud and ensure that internal and external emails are written by employees of the company? How also to guarantee their integrity and give formal proof of a shipment while ensuring its traceability? 

The system of protection of the messaging systems proposed by BlueCerts answers perfectly to these legitimate questions. In a period of health crisis when cybercrime is exploding, fraud of the "manager scam" type becomes everyday life and where, the major concern of any organization is to ensure its sustainability, ignoring this situation could have dramatic consequences. Whether you are in charge of the security of the information systems of an SME / VSE or a large company, it is imperative to take this new environment into account. BlueCerts solutions are efficient, easy to deploy and well suited to your budget. 

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+33(0)787 04 12 37


Jean-Marie Giraudon CEO de BlueCerts et Bertrand Mangano Directeur General de Captain Recruiter sont les invités de Nicolas Don (RFI)

Jean-Marie Giraudon CEO de BlueCerts et Bertrand Mangano Directeur General de Captain Recruiter sont les invités de Nicolas Don (RFI) pour donner leur vision sur l'avenir du télétravail, la sécurité des échanges et la protection de la donnée dans le cloud au cœur de ce nouveau schéma d'organisation des entreprises.

Nicolas Don vous invite dans son émission Ligne Directe au coeur de l’Europe, le jeudi 28 mai à partir de 18h ( heure de Paris ).
Venez témoigner et poser vos questions sur la page Facebook de l'émission Ligne Directe ou en direct sur Zoom.
Ligne Directe:

Participer à la réunion Zoom:…
ID de réunion : 961 053 9083
Mot de passe : 123456

#electronicsignature #telework #esign #bluecerts #europeantechnology #cybersecurity #productivity

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+33(0)787 04 12 37


The period in which we live shows that organizations must be able to offer irreproachable services to their customers in all circumstances to help them to maintain the expected deliverables, both internally and with contractors. The dematerialized processes make it possible to provide these services and at the same time to obtain or have realized, in addition to the productivity gains, real economies of scale in operating costs. BlueCerts provides tailor-made solutions that respond to new challenges for what can be considered by small and medium-sized organizations.

BlueCerts puts at your service management of digital payslips, online signature contracts including everything related to the employee life cycle, legal process within the framework of the dematerialization of general or extraordinary assembly processes Now, make the choice of the European BlueCerts online signature platform to better serve you and grasp the passing of time with confidence.

#electronicsignature #telework #esign #bluecerts #europeantechnology #cybersecurity #productivity

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To contact us:
+33(0)787 04 12 37

Content and social media manager (M/W)

Content and social media manager (M/W)

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Back-end developer (M/W)

Back-end developer (M/W) Location in Porto, Portugal or Teleworking in Romania

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Comercial Sedentario (m/f) (Porto)

Comercial Sedentario (m/f) Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira (Porto)

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Digital Marketing traineeship (M/W)

Digital Marketing traineeship (M/W) Location in Porto, Portugal

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Commercial sédentaire stagiaire (H/F)

Commercial Sédentaire stagiaire (H/F) Poste basé au Portugal à Porto

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Back-End Developer - Portugal or Teleworking

Porto, Portugal / Teleworking - 20DEV02
BlueCerts is an European certification authority. Our goal is to help our customers with the appropriate technologies to protect data and digital identity with highly scalable PKI solutions, enabling organizations to conduct paperless transactions securely. We help individuals and businesses succeed in the digital future and protect data with the highest security standards for an increasingly secure web.

In the objective of its development, Bluecerts recruits a full stack developer to work on its own Information System. You will evolve in an ambitious and dynamic company, combining at the same time requirements and performances, team spirit, progression and personal fulfillment. The job can be done at distance in a teleworking manner.

  • You will be responsible for the development and the maintenance of the BlueCerts Information System.
  • Reports and indicators of your activities.
  • Experience: Developer graduated, minimum 2 years experience
  • On the BlueCerts Blog site:
  • Send an application by email
All communication and resumes must be submitted in English.

  • A back-end developer with experience in webservice Java, Spring, ...;
  • Experience developing REST / SOAP APIs and integrating them;
  • Having ASP.NET / Angular experience;
  • Capable of handling RDBMS (relational database management system) like Postgress
  • Listening and communication skills;
  • Rigor and organization;
  • To be enthusiastic, motivated and independent/autonomous in my work;
  • Language: fluent in English, mastering another language is a plus (French, Portuguese,...)

Other skills can be a plus:
  • Have knowledge on the cybersecurity part of IS
  • Experience in the front-end with WordPress, ccs, html, js framework ;
  • Knowledge of agile or Devops methodologies
  • Supervision of API integration projects would be a plus
  • Sysadmin knowledge (Centos 7, SSH, Dolibarr application maintenance)

  • Weekly working hours: 39h
  • Place of work: Porto (Portugal) / Teleworking in Romania
  • Type of contract: Full time or Part time

  • You will be responsible for the development and the maintenance of the BlueCerts Information System.
  • Reports and indicators of your activities.
  • Experience: Developer graduated, minimum 2 years experience
Apply Now

We make a better secured web for you