
Dematerialization of business processes, a decisive challenge for organizations On 27/11/2019 - Article by Jean-Marie Giraudon, CEO of BlueCerts

By Jean-Marie Giraudon, CEO BlueCerts 

The world of business and that of the public sphere is changing in a forced way seeking to adapt to the new directives making a growing number of operations to be carried out dematerialized according to a timetable defined by the legislator. They take advantage of this approach to gain productivity gains and achieve economies of scale. They are also seeking to improve their quality of services and competitiveness to increase their turnover and to cope with the steady decline in operating margins. All sectors of the organization are thus increasingly impacted by these changes in habits and the ability to adapt resources and infrastructure becomes a major concern for the success of this transformation. For example, new technologies make it possible today to sign online employment contracts, subscribe to credits or insurance contracts, manage invoices or employee payslips, while guaranteeing integrity and traceability. and the certainty of unalterable preservation.

In this type of approach,  it is clear that the choice of technology alone can not provide all the answers. Reality demonstrates daily that the management of this type of project is already a revolution in itself by the new lines of reflection it creates. Define the objectives by setting priorities, imagine the new organization, fix the new processes to implement, design user training, choose the right provider are the challenges facing the management teams in charge of this revolution. One of the difficulties is that the action must often be carried out in a transversal manner, thus obliging the coordination of activities between different departments. It is, therefore, necessary to build in the first place a master plan that will serve as a guiding thread and federate energies and skills around management.

At BlueCerts, our team of specialists and our partners allow you to carry out your digital transformation with confidence. We will accompany you by providing you with advice tailored to your projects with exclusively European solutions to make your year 2020 a success in this area.

To discuss your project, do not hesitate to contact us at contact@bluecerts.eu

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