
During the previous weeks, we have provided an overview of the EU NIS Directive, focusing on essential system operators (OES), Digital Service Providers (DSP) and compliance structures. On 27 June, the European Cybersecurity Act entered into force, establishing the new mandate of ENISA, an EU Agency for Cybersecurity, and establishing the European Cybersecurity Certification Framework.

The cybersecurity law at a glance

The EU Cybersecurity Directive gives a permanent mandate to the agency (ENISA), which has now changed its name to the EU Cybersecurity Agency, at a time when it guarantees more resources and authority.

ENISA will play a key role in creating and maintaining the European cybersecurity certification framework, preparing the technical terrain for specific certification schemes and informing the public about certification schemes, as well as certificates issued through a dedicated website.

The EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework

Certification plays a critical role in increasing confidence and security in products and services that are crucial to the EU digital market.
To express the risk of cybersecurity, a certificate can refer to three levels of guarantee (basic, substantial, high) that are proportional to the level of risk associated with the intended use of the product, service or process in terms of the probability and impact of an incident. For example, a high level of warranty means that the certified product has passed the highest safety tests.

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Le CEO de BlueCerts, Jean-Marie Giraudon va participer au Webinar organisé par la FrenchFounders sur les enjeux et les impacts du "new normal" de la cybersecurité. 

N'oubliez pas de nous accompagner demain, Mardi 22/09 à partir de 17:00 h (FR). 

Pour vous inscrire et suivre l’événement:  https://hubs.li/H0wybQk0

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+33(0)787 04 12 37


BlueCerts est heureux d’annoncer officiellement que l’un de ses projets de Recherche & Développement a obtenu un soutien de Portugal NORTE 2020 dans le cadre d’un appel à projet européen. Ce soutien permettra de réaliser sur notre site portugais l’embauche de nouveaux collaborateurs et collaboratrices de profiles technologiques et scientifiques. Notre objectif est de mener à bien la réalisation d’un environnement innovant en Europe répondant aux standards internationaux dans le cadre de la signature électronique dites « qualifié » dans le cloud.  


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought countless unpleasant situations to people and organizations. With regard to cybersecurity, we are faced with a significant increase in cyber-attacks. These data shared by the CNCS Portuguese for the second quarter of this year, are really scary. They show that Portugal and in this case, Europe, need to invest in Digital Security. 

It's not just you who needs a mask, your data needs to be protected too!

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The period in which we find ourselves is forcing companies to rethink the way they work. The intensification of teleworking in organizations allows business to continue while protecting its employees. But, in this context, what are the right decisions to take to protect the data exchanged in the cloud and ensure that internal and external emails are written by employees of the company? How also to guarantee their integrity and give formal proof of a shipment while ensuring its traceability? 

The system of protection of the messaging systems proposed by BlueCerts answers perfectly to these legitimate questions. In a period of health crisis when cybercrime is exploding, fraud of the "manager scam" type becomes everyday life and where, the major concern of any organization is to ensure its sustainability, ignoring this situation could have dramatic consequences. Whether you are in charge of the security of the information systems of an SME / VSE or a large company, it is imperative to take this new environment into account. BlueCerts solutions are efficient, easy to deploy and well suited to your budget. 

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